Reliable Family Attorney in Syracuse, NY
You care about your family, and you want what’s best for them. Family issues are stressful and can create an emotional toll on everyone involved. Don’t let legal procedures worsen your situation. Attorney Cerio has experience in family law and is dedicated to fighting for the rights of his clients. Whether you need assistance in a custody battle or for child support, Attorney Cerio has your family’s best interests in mind.

Legal Guardianship
Legal guardianship is a relationship established by the court to allow someone to make decisions on behalf of another. A legal guardianship is set in place so that one individual can make important decisions for the other individual, either because they are underage or are not mentally competent.
Who Can Be a Guardian?
Most often a parent may appointment a guardian for their child in their will. An adult may also choose a guardian for themselves if they are anticipating to be in a state of incapacity; in these situations adult family members can offer to be a guardian to the family member. All guardians need to be legally appointed to their role by a court judge.
If you are trying to become a guardian, contact Attorney Cerio.

Adoption is a wonderful time for both parents and children. Welcoming a new child into your family can be emotional enough, you don’t have to add the stress and complexities of legality. Attorney Cerio can help you navigate your adoption and ensure you have checked off every legal box required. Attorney Cerio understands the laws surrounding adoption in the United States, and he will work with you through the entire adoption process.
For many couples with children, deciding on custody is the most critical aspect of separation negotiations. There are four types of custody agreements:
Legal Custody: this determines which parent will make decisions about the child’s education and medical treatment.
Physical Custody: this determines which parent the child will physically live with.
Joint Custody: this is sometimes a viable option if both parents live in the same geographical location and their schedules allow it. The child will spend approximately half of their time with each parent.
Sole Custody: this is more common and often less complicated for the child as they will live in one place with one parent. The noncustodial parent is entitled to visitation rights.
If you are fighting for custody of your child, Attorney Cerio can help you.
Child Support
Legally, both parents are responsible for financially providing for their children. When deciding which parent will be responsible for financially supporting the child, you need a trusted family attorney on your side. Attorney Cerio has experience in negotiating child support that is fair for his client.

Whether you are appointing a guardian, trying to adopt, are fighting for custody, or you need to negotiate child support, you need a dependable and compassionate family lawyer on your side. Call the Law Office of Scott Cerio for comprehensive family law assistance.
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